The Humber Bay Naturalization and Recreation Plan is a long-term vision that covers a broad range of areas of concern relevant to Toronto's western beaches (bounded by the Humber River to the west, Lakeshore Boulevard West to the north, Ontario Place to the east and the breakwater to the south), Humber Bay waterfront and the Parkdale and Swansea neighbourhoods. These areas included increased water and land based recreational activities, extension to the Martin Goodman and Waterfront trails, protection of the shoreline from erosion and loss, replacement of the badly deteriorated western beaches breakwater, integration with Ontario Place's west island renovation, wild life habitat generation and protection improvements to the Humber Bay beaches, and facilities for launching and docking of non-motorized watercraft.
The Humber Bay Naturalization and Recreation Plan was initiated by the West End Beaches Stakeholders Association (WEBSA) in 2015 with the intention of building upon Toronto City Council's approved Western Waterfront Master Plan, with initial focus directed at protecting community water-based recreational and sport opportunities in the western beaches by replacing the century old breakwater. WEBSA held discussions with various government agencies and departments at all levels; changes were made accordingly; and now it is time to present the Humber Bay Naturalization and Recreation Concept Plan to the general public for input.

Working with WEBSA, Walter Kehm, Principal of LANDInc and member of Humber Bay For All committee created the HBFA Design above. Walter Kehm is responsible for Tommy Thompson Park and the latest Trillium Park, east of Ontario Place.
Water levels
Property Damage
Impact on water and land recreation programmes
Martin Goodman Trail extensions
Increased recreation opportunities - land and water
Integration with Ontario Place
Humber River deflector arm and beach improvement
Provision for small craft availability and docking